Challenging Challenge Rooms [Devlog 9]

Aaaaaaaaaand just like that, we're two weeks away from MOJO and the completion of this project (save for the creation of a Post-Mortem analysis report).

There's a lot to be done, and yet, even still I must admit I didn't put much work into our game this week. With a mixture of homework, deliverables, investigation scholarship work and other projects, I didn't manage to allocate as many hours of work into this as I would've liked. Even still, I got everything I wanted done: I wrote a big chunk of text talking about our game's progression and I created my first challenge room. Although simple, the challenge room came out pretty fun in my opinion. Two players are placed into the challenge, one has several platforms to jump towards and the other is placed in a control room. The trick is that all platforms have runes, and the player navigating them can only move from one rune to a certain others. If they jump into a run they shouldn't they get teleported back to the beginning. So the platformer must communicate what rune they're standing on, and what runes he can jump to, whilst the control player has a cypher which allows them to inform the platform, where they are allowed to jump to.

And that was it. Next week (and during the weekend) I'm going to complete my second challenge room, and start implementing some powerups. Alongside this I'll also have to do some level design to create rooms for our maze..and then that's it..after that my "main" tasks will be done and I'll spend my time helping out fleshing out other aspects like sound deisgh and polish. The final stretch begins now.

Hugs and kisses,

- Diogo Silva

Get Moirai's Trial

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